1. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
2. A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.
ob·session·aladj. ob·session·al·lyadv.
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Sam's 200g Aquarium
Living room view
Dining Room view
Sample of the rock
Precision Marine Skimmer
R/O Unit and Octopus 3000
3 little Maks all in a row
custom sump
What a mess
sump and mess
All doors open
Living Room View
This rock was installed on June 9, 2000. These pics were taken on June 13, 2000.
This 200g tank is filled with Kent Marine Salt, 250lbs live rock, 150lbs sand. All of this on a homemade
1" plenum.